Dear vintage lovers !
I´m sorry that it has been so long since last I blogged... but I just have so much trying to sort out this play that I´m directing and then on top of that I´m sick again...
Since I wanted my blog to reflect my love for vintage fashion and my desire to turn my modern life into a more vintage one, it
hasn't seemed right that I would blog about the more mundane aspects of my life.... At the moment I don´t feel or look even one bit glamorous as I cough myself to pieces through the day. In fact as I write I´m in bed bundled up in blankets while the rest of the crew and cast have gone for a
fabulous outing on what seems to be gloriously sunny South African Saturday....
Still, this is an opportunity to try and catch up on the blogs I follow and I savor each little pretty dress that some of my fellow bloggers post. See
here and
here. And as I read the blogs by lovely
Fleur and
Landgirl my soul is instantly refreshed and I feel tons better! And please check out
this blog by an 18 years old (!) young lady from Sweden. Her blog ( filled with vintage stuff she buys and cookies she bakes ) is a real cyberspace pep-me-up tonic ! :)
Also I recently discovered a new blog ;
The Vintage Kitten thanks to another favorite blogger of mine the
Glamorous Housewife. Vintage Kitten has some beautiful images and great ( no really! ) music on her blog! In fact the music is so awesome that I´m using it as as background when I read other blogs! :) Of course I wanted to let her know this, by leaving a comment. How sad then to read that she has had to stop people commenting on her blog due to some continuously nasty comments by one reader. Don´t people have better things to do with their lives!! :(
I really don´t understand the need to leave nasty
cyber comments.... Everyday I read a news blog about the US, especially the political news ( I´
ve always been very interested in US politics even though I live in Europe, go figure...) and I´m always amazed at the amount of vitriol responses people will post. As if the anonymity of the web gives you
carte blanche to spew out whatever you feel like uncensored....
The play I´m working on here in Cape Town deals with the South Africa concept of
ubuntu which could, in short, be described as finding the
humanness in oneself by
acknowledging it in others - I am
because we are. It is my personal
belief that the road out ( into the world ) goes in ( through your own experiences ) meaning that you can only see in others what you are able to see/understand in yourself... In other words
purposefully hurting another human being is only possible when there is lack of self knowledge...
So, dear ms Vintage Kitten, try to not let such a person affect what you´re all about. Sweep your heart clear of his or hers hurtful comments and see him/her for what he/she is a very, very sad human being.... Instead lift you head high and know that there are those who enjoy very much what you´re doing ! So, keep on blogging and those of us who follow you will keep on loving ! :)
Sorry, for all the philosophical stuff... Blame it on me being sick and the cough medicine I´m taking. It has all this
codeine ( a morphine like substance..) in it -
ha ha !

Anyway, before I got sick I happened to be walking down a ordinary street when I came upon this amazingly smart vintage car, which just goes to show a) beauty is all around and b) you never know when you´ll be "V.I" (vintage infused) !

Much love ! xxx Diva