Dear Vintage Lovers! Due to my job ( I'm directing) there has been so little time to write and yet I have longed to get back into the blog world!
I want to begin by saying a heartfelt THANK YOU! to all of you who wished me well on my blog-a-versary (thanks for the word invention Miss Kristiansen from The Rockabilly Girl next Door!) as well as my birthday!
The picture is from my girls-night-out when we celebrated my birthday. We started out at a fabulous restaurant called Cloud Nine that has this amazing 1920s/1930s "dessert room" which the opened especially pour moi! ;)
I had the ladies dress up for the event and did they ever! From left to right Katarina, me Rebecka ( my soul pal!) and Gunilla. Later Anna also joined us.
We drank Mai Tai´s and chatted away!
At one point it poured down outside, but little did we care! :)
I was wearing my lovely red-and-gold evening dress (that I bought from a dry cleaners were it was on sale... ), my ever so lovely Billyesque flower arrangement from my blog pal Frollein von Sofa and new cream opera gloves.
I had so much fun!

After that we went to this amazing restaurant Le Rouge were we had some superb food!
Isn't the setting just deliciously "boudoir" ! ;)
Gunilla and Anna.
Katarina and Rebecka. It was truly a great night! Well ... almost... We ended up in a club hoping to see some dazzling burlesque, but unfortunately it was more happy amateurs... Not that theres anything wrong with that. We were just aiming a little higher... Ah, well...
The city were I'm working right now is in the northern part f Sweden and there Ive found this little inconspicuous shop that sells secondhand and vintage. And the vintage things they have!!! I'm sooo happy about it that I almost go everyday. This suitcase (brand new!) and this beauty box is one of many finds.
I mean look at it, its never been used! But Ive decided only to use it for minor train trips. Once in the airport cargo it would just be spoiled... As I said in a previous post ; I intend to travel in style as much as possible! :)

And thats why this gift from my friend, this delightful little shoe bag, was much appreciated!

It was so cute ( and practical!) that I in fact went out and bought 3 more! I use them all the time.
Before I left Paris, my auntie gave me this...

Apart from the beauty box I also bought this hand bag that I have carried with me everywhere for the last 3 weeks - I just love it!

My new favourite scent (after years and years of Obsession, which is still my signature scent :) Boudoir by Vivienne Westwood - d-i-v-i-n-e !! Last but not least...
Those of you yet not familiar with the talents of Frollein von Sofa go to her blog and be prepared to get blown away by her talent and amazing creative hats! I want this one! :)
Look at the tiny curls!
A brides hat.