So here I am on the train heading towards Gothenburg (my old hometown) listening to the excellent musical choices of The Vintage Kitten feeling a little blue...
Yesterday I went to my first social swing dance. And you know, I had kinda forgotten that feeling of feeling alone that happens when one stands watching couples dancing... Still, I learned more new steps which was the intention.
Also, right now I´m in-between jobs and with bills looming over me, not to mention a quite high rent, I´ve been a bit stressed... Being a freelancer the financial uncertainty can be quite unnerving...
I´m getting of in Gothenburg to hook up with my old friend Therese and see my little godson (Prince :) Caspian. Then I get on board again and head further south to Falkenberg, where my friend Yvonne and her husband will meet me to help me get my darling Neo to the kennel where he will be staying while I´m in Ghana.
After that we drive to my old living quarters - Helsingborg where I plan to stay for two days before heading to Copenhagen and Kastrup airport.
Well, weel soon the sun (31°C :) in Ghana and eating fresh ripe mango will chase all my blues away!