Adorable Josefine, one of the hostess, greets guests - Welcome to Sugar Hill ! Vintage Entertainment at its best!

Anna and Mårten came, Anna in her new dress that she made herself!

Lots of vendours. Here Sivletto.

Marcus or better known as "Mackan" - a great dancer, teacher and connoisseur of vintage swing life!

Is'nt this pretty! This is some of the many delightful things that were available.

This young lady always does her hair to perfection, but that night I was privy to seeing just how much effort goes into getting the curls to look that effortless ;)

Tomas, Madelins beau - what a trouper - he was everywhere helping out!

Sandra, another of the hostesses looking smashing.

Anna decided to treat herself to a vintage make-over!

Sweet Sharon working away nail by nail.

Then it was time for a little entertainment (Will you belive I forgot to take photos of my own jazz performance ....)
Swinging at Sugar Hill!

Finally home at 2 a.m exhausted, but oh so happy ! I bought a dark blue vintage dress and I danced till my feet hurt! Can't wait till next year! :)