My vintage pal Madelin, who also is a vintage wedding stylist, arranged a vintage wedding event at the vintage shop Beyond Retro here in Stockholm. ( hm... that was a lot of vintage! ;)

The always beautiful Miriam Parkman from Kafferepet was there and wore white.

As did her friend Britta.

Then there were "the party girls" - Åsa!

And yours truly with a sort of Mad Men-esque style :)

The wedding event at Beyond Retro - Stockholm!

What else? I went to a great seminar that spoke about the perilous and heartbreaking lives that women in the Democratic Republic of Congo are forced to suffer due to the country's highly lucrative natural resources ...
Key speaker and an old acquaintance was - the formidable Margot Wallström, Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, to the Secretary-General of the UN.
I went to the seminar as a spokesperson for Kivuvu - Supporting the Women in Congo. A small organisation (5 women) aiming at showing support to our sisters in Congo.

This is our loggo. You can find us on the web here (only in Swedish I'm afraid...) and on Facebook.
So, far we have applied (and received) money from various charity organizations and thus been able to give away over a 100,000 SEK (approx 13,500$, 11,000 €) to Synergie des Femmes - Women's Synergy for Victims of sexual Violence (SFVS)
A platform of 35 local organizations in the DRC working to prevent sexual violence, to assist survivors and to persecute perpetrators.
By the way... Kivuvu means "hope" in kikongo, one of the many languages in the DRC - Join us!

Apart from this me and Neo were just looking for... summer !