Hello again !
Here I am returning from my meditation retreat ( why they say retreat I often wonder as its hard work ! :) thinking that by now my blog must have all but "died" since I´ve not been able to write on a regular basis ( and have been gone away for four days ) only to find out I have more followers than before - that´s really interesting !
Needless to say, it put a smile on my face :) Thank you blog sisters ( for most of you are women) and please forgive me if I don´t become followers of each and everyone. Its only for one simple reason - I don't have time to read the ones I already joined ! I know that there´s fabulous women out there in cyberspace who some how manage to follow a 100 blogs or more ( wonder women ! ;) but I alas is not one of them.
Before I forget I must say thanks to my dear creative fashionista and blog friend Frollein von Sofa ( you haven´t missed her beautiful creations have you ? She´s just so talented ! See
here ) and to newcomer Mrs Bee for you kind supportive words. I´m in fact in a much better state then when last I wrote... The retreat has "set my head straight again" and I´m happy to report it is, as my heart, once more back in shape ! :)
I can without hesitation say that having sat a
vipassana course has been immensely helpful ! I recommend it warmly to each and all interested in finding a meditation technique that will be a support in everyday life. And I have finally realised, 10 years later ( I first sat a course in 1998 ), that I need to include this technique on a regular daily basis if I want to avoid further "mental meltdowns"... :)
This leads me to another thing that I´ve been thinking about. Its only fair to all you vintage lovers out there that I give you a "warning" about a few blog changes that will happen...
As I´ve been blogging I find myself more and more slipping a bit from my original intention ( to keep a vintage journal on my own vintage transformation ) and my need to express other sides of myself. That doesn´t mean to say that I won´t continue writing about vintage ( I love vintage ! ), but my blog might not be as vintage "pure" as it has been before. In other words, there´ll be more of a mix with the rest of the vintage stuff. After all life is more than the past, no ? ;)
Lastly, what does "metta" mean ? It´s something you learn at vipassana. At the end of your meditation you send out ( from your heart ) to all, family, friends, ones community, the world -
May all beings be happy ! I could not agree more and on that note I end this post !
Your truly in Cyberspace