Things I´ve done since these last seven (!) days
1. Struggled with the bureaucracy within the theatre where I am working (struggling is actually to mild a word...)
2. Held a workshop with my beautiful cast !
3.Had my hair braided - hence the pictures
4. Struggled with the bureaucracy within the theatre ... oh, that´s right I already mentioned that ;)
5. Was quite sick ( two days) most likely because of bad water...
6. Saw all of West Wing Season 4 (when I was sick) which I LOVE ! My favorite series right now are West Wing, In Treatment & John Adams. The latter two of course HBO productions ( I say of course because they tend to do really great shows like Mad Men - which I, sadly enough have only had the opportunity to see now & then)
7. Bought myself a gym card and went there at... 6 am. Incidentally, that was the day before I got.. sick
And after all paperwork now is signed, sealed & delivered I start my rehearsals on Monday! Very cool ! But we don´t have a lot of time... Not when you consider all the work that's to be done and dancing & singing. But now that I´m back on my feet, I say - bring it on!
Got to crash. Its 2.15 am and I just spent 6 hrs on rehearsal schedules & 2 hrs on mailing & blogging... And tomorrow I´m supposed to dare myself to drive in Accras chaotic traffic ( promised my dad) - I´m sooo grateful its Sunday tomorrow because that means less cars - hooray!
Also... I hope each and everyone of you are well. The news of the plight of the Haitians ( who already had more than enough of their share...) puts things in a sobering perspective, n´est pas ?
And WELCOME to those of you who recently become followers to Vintage Me ! Thank you ever so much !
Ps. Does anyone know how to post moving images, say from Face book or directly from my computer - I have a MacBook ? And thanks for your comments !