And so the grand day began ! My cousin Julia getting ready to order a little sushi (which she never ate...) to get some energy before the big day.

The mayors office where the wedding would take place. My aunties and Mom entering.

There were many weddings that day! :)

The happy and slightly nervous groom - Nicholas!

Here comes the bride! The man on her side, her father, Jean.

When all were seated ( the grooms delightful parents on the left), Nicholas, Julia, her father and mother, my aunt.

The mayor who presided over the ceremony and who's warmth and wit did not go unnoticed :)

A signature and my little cousin is suddenly Mrs M!

My beautiful, beautiful cousin!

French kisses for everyone.

The pretty bridesmaids!

And into the scorching sun we went for more photos...

At last!

After a somewhat stressful car ride ( where I managed to give my mom, who had never driven in Paris, the wrong directions...) we arrived to where the dinner was... a castle! I kid you not!

A room (ours) with a view.

And this is the outfit I wore. A 1950s dress, home made. Cute, no? :)

Let it be known that I am a lover of animals AND that I think cruelty yo animals is wrong, wrong, wrong! But ... I
couldn't resist a glass of champagne with some toast with
foie gras and a dash of fig marmalade. Forgive me for I have sinned... ;)

It was so good to finally sit in the cooler evening weather...

... with a glass at hand ...

...and in good company.

I´m so happy I went!

And that I got to spend time with my mom and her awesome sisters.

The sisters! Left to right: Gerd, Ullabritt, Ingvor and Mom (Agnetha).

What they do best!

Remember that I promised to give you
Ingvors cake recipe of the incredibly tasty pine cookies? Well, here it is! (the recipe is in grams and Celsius...)
3 eggs
320 g sugar
375 g almond flour ( or ground almonds)
250 g pine nuts
Some vanilla sugar
1. Separate the whites from the yokes.
2. Beat the egg whites to a froth.
3. Mix egg whites, sugar, almond flour and vanilla sugar.
4. Mix with your hands and shape to little round balls.
5. Should make about 50-60 walnut sized cookies.
6. Stir together the yokes and mix in the pine nuts.
7. Now put the cookies in the batch and try to get the pine nuts to stick to the surface. A bit messy and quite tricky.
8. Set the oven at 220 degrees Celsius.
9. Let them bake for 15-20 minutes or till golden brown.