So here it is finally - my 100th blog post and 50 followers ( actually as of today 52 :) ! And with it a fabulous give-away! A couple of years back, one of the first things that I bought on eBay was this 1940s hat.
Being an eBay novice I did not bother to check its measurements, thinking I could have it re-fitted should it not be quite my size... Well, that proved more difficult than I had thought. So, I never used the hat, since it was too small for my big head ... :)
But it turns out it can be worn, as modeled here by my friends daughter, Anna. Her delightful head measures 54 cm / 21,2 inches.
So if your interested in this beautiful little hat, post a notice on your blog and let me know that you want to be part of the give-away. And since I think its fun to have a runner-up prize ...
I have decided to also give away these authentic late 1950s/early 1960s elegant ladies shoes. The winners will be announced on the 30th of June - Good luck !
So far, it has been a journey finding my own "blog voice". As a person I tend to be, by nature as well as profession, quite personal. Yet I have a need to not be too "private" in my musings here. The Internet gives you this feeling of having an intimate one-on-one conversation and you can easily forget that this medium is far from private ...
I often find myself thankful that I was not in my teens when blogs, Skype and virtual chatting exploded. I would have been ill equipped to fully understand the difference between personal and private, something I think is necessary for virtual survival. Thus I have had some trouble finding my "blog footing" in the beginning. Also as a verbal person I feel compelled to, at least, try and write well... But since English is only my second language (thank God for spell checking :) I tend to think a bit more before I express myself (which is a good thing ! ;) which might make my style not so fluid at times.
Still I have no regrets about starting to blog, all in all its been a great experience! And I look forward to more blogging ( even though I shall never understand how people find all the time !!) And here I am - 100th posts - hooray! Who would have thought it when I started... Here´s to another 100 !
I can share your thrill in getting 50 followers, as I also got my 50th this weekend. I am hot on your heels with some 80 posts. Good for you. I agree - being too young means finding it difficult to distinguish what should go in or stay out of a blog. I find even some adults have trouble with this. All the best!
your gorge..lovely hat and shoes..I have 22 followers so far looking foward to my 50 followers.
Congrats on your blogiversary!
Best Wishes,
Thank you for your lovely comment...That hat would look amazing don't you think on RED hair...
Wow! What a lovely hat! Would fit my collection perfectly!
Hey Francesca congrats on reaching 50 followers and 100 posts! Keep 'em coming :-)
Always glad to find a vintage black girl, it's so rare!
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